Saturday, September 5, 2009

the hudsonville fair

oh, how i LOVE LOVE LOVE the makes me happy. it makes me feel like a kid again. it makes me love small towns...even if it also reminds me that hudsonville is getting bigger & busier every year.

this is the first year since i DONT REMEMBER WHEN, that i haven't been there every day. in fact, i was only there a mere two times. ugh.

our family met up with the nedervelds, so the kids could do the rides together. we graduated to the slightly "bigger" rides, and the kids had a ball ;) i felt my age when just watching rides i used to love to go on made me queezy just to watch!

the infamous tire pics...i dont know why, but i get a pic every year of the boys in a tractor tire. if only i had a scanner, i would include some older ones!

the glass house...or something. dodge ran smack into a window...we were dying. it was good entertainment for us adults. i cropped out the super-scary carnie guy. do they always look ticked off, or like they hate children? does anyone do a back-ground check on these guys? i've always taught my kids, that if we get separated...just find a worker. EXCEPT when we're at the fair...then just find a mom.

bumper cars...oh, Lord, please make dodge grow, so he can drive on his own next year. it is like some kind of sign of "manhood" for him. but for now, big brother happily took him for a spin.

a shot from the grand stands....small town least thats what it is to me.

on a very last minute whim...we decided to sign dawson up for the motocross race for friday night. he has been talking about it since last year when his cousin wyatt raced at the fair...he was not nervous at all...which is amazing, since he can worry about stuff. but he was very confident - very cool.

doug quit work early that day, and looking back, i am so aware of how TERRIBLE i did at documenting the whole ordeal with pics...ugh. as we are walking the track, doug is explaining stuff to dawson, when dodge declares HE WANTS TO RACE TOO. after trying to talk him out of it and wait one more year...ha, thats a funny sentence. trying to talk dodge out of someting. hee hee. dodge is just a little bull-headed. so...we sign him up.

here is dodge during the national sweet.

here is doug with the boys befor the practice was a little touchy, cuz both boys were racing one dirt was just a little chaotic...which would explain the lack of pictures! i did get quite a bit of video of the actual racing. but during practice, dodge "popped a wheelie" and wiped out. i didn't see any of it happen, cuz i was helping get dawson off the track...anyhooo - i guess he was pretty upset, and then declared I'M DONE, I'M NOT RACING! dang. if you remember, nobody talks dodge out of he's done. he is very proud to tell anyone who will listen that he popped a wheelie!

dawson did as good as he could on the bike he was on. evidentally, there were kids that race three times a week on actual motocross bikes (i dont really know what this means, but doug says they have better schocks, automatics, etc...) dawson is pretty competitve, so he was pretty upset he didn't do "better"...he was upset people were passing him, that rules said he had to take his shifter off....the kid had big expectations for his first ever race....he must get that from doug :)

and of course, by the end of the night, dodge felt bad that he didn't race...and he wanted to get back out there. so, i had two unhappy & tired kids by the end of the night. the end of the night, we went to the race trailer and found out that all the kids in the 50cc class got a TROPHY!! this healed ALL wounds...the boys were happy happy! you see, for the last few years, they each have one of doug's old motocross trophys on their dresser. they have pictures of doug when he used to race on their bulletin boards...maybe thats why it was so important to do good. i love this age....when they just assume daddy was the best dirtbiker in the world...and yes, honey, you were darn good. :)

here is my hunky husband...a VERY long time 1991. this is one of the pics the boys have hanging in their rooms...remember - no scanner. so this is a pic of a pic...not bad, eh?

here is my sweet pea, with a death grip on his beloved spite of being PASSED OUT COLD. i think i just stared at him like this for 5 minutes...i love days like this. drink it up.

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