Sunday, January 30, 2011


Facebook (stylized facebook) is a social network service and website launched in February 2004 that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc.[1] As of January 2011, Facebook has more than 600 million active users.[5][6] Users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile.

"How on earth did we stalk our exes, remember our co-workers' birthdays, bug our friends, and play a rousing game of Scrabulous before Facebook?"

At age 102, Ivy Bean of Bradford, England joined Facebook in 2008, making her one of the oldest people ever on Facebook. An inspiration to other residents of the care home in which she lived...At the time of her death in July 2010, she had 4,962 friends on Facebook and more than 56,000 followers on Twitter. Her death was widely reported in the media and she received tributes from several notable media personalities.


wow. can anyone remember life without facebook? it's almost like trying to remember life before cell before before before mini-vans...most people know i am not a fan of technology...most people know i wish i was born 150 years ago...most people know i don't text (my cell phone is a dinosaur)...but i DO own an i-pod touch (shocking, i know)...and it has this little ap that makes it so-super-easy to check my facebook!!!

you see, i have a hate-hate relationship with the phone. e-mails helped remove some of the phone hassle of coordinating birthday parties & etc...but facebook made it FUN! you can put pictures of your family on it...private message long lost friends & relatives without bothering with the phone...its an awesome way to connect with people...maybe people you never even spoke to...while all this "connecting" is going on...i was slowly getting sucked into everyone elses "lives"...looking at their pics...seeing what their friends were writing on their walls...knowing what everyones is doing on any given night...comparing my facebook life to their facebook life...comparing my facebook kids to their facebook kids...wondering why that person wouldn't "friend" me (yes, it really happened...and i actually felt silly)...and wondering who in the world from pakistan wants to friend me (yes, that happened too...i hope it was some creepy mistake)...realizing, that i am checking that darn facebook EVERY TIME I HAVE A FREE MINUTE.

dont get me wrong. if you love fb, thats great. there are a lot of things i miss about facebook. there are a lot of good things about facebook. this might be a permanent break-up with facebook...or maybe i'll go back and really restrict how i use it...i'm not sure yet.

it was time for me to deactiveate. so i did.

and fb showed me profile pics of all the friends that would miss me if i decided to push the "deactiveate" button.

i dont know if fb knows this or not, but my friends are living breathing people that live in houses...not in my i-pod. geez.

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