Wednesday, July 22, 2009


just a quick thought...WHY oh WHYYYYYY are back-to-school commercials on already?! i am still trying to get a tan, for pete's sakes - where are you, sun?! it is mid-july...good governor. don't get me wrong...I LOVE FALL and I LOVE SCHOOL. but i am not even close to ready to send my guys off yet... and i've only been to the beach a couple times!

so yes, today i saw a wal-mart back-to-school ad on t.v. and I CRIED. dang. i better start praying right now that i wont have to be admitted anywhere come september :(


  1. oh sister, do I ever hear you! My oldest gets on a BUS this year and is gone ALL day. Like Gracie and Gramps would say, "oh damn it!" I guarantee I will be losing it. The sun is waiting until Aug. 2-10 and it's not going to go down over Brower Park!!!!!

  2. Summer goes faster every year.... will summer feel like 3 minutes when i'm 80? I wish i could freeze time!
